Also cleared was the new passage at the far side of the main chamber. Beyond is what I assume to be a tomb of some sort, with a sarcophagus at its centre. The walls are covered in writings that I cannot decipher.
I’m not game to open the sarcophagus until I’ve translated them. These ruins have been battered enough as it is. If there’s some sort of trap or mechanism in place to protect the body and/or treasures that may be within this giant stone box, I’d rather know about them before prising loose the lid!
I’ll leave the tomb be and clear the remaining 4 passages that lead off the main chamber. I may stumble upon a Rosetta Stone!

Hopefully it doesn't just read: "All work and no play makes Tut a dull Pharaoh. All work and no play makes Tut a dull Pharaoh. All work and no play makes Tut a dull Pharaoh."